Container architecture exhibition by Jure Kotnik will be opened at Kunsthalle Berlin – 20/OCT/2014

International Symposium “Influence of architecture to the regional development” and exhibition opening 5+5 LES/WOOD curated by Jure Kotnik.

Jure Kotnik prepares 120 kids kindergarten proposal project together with Andrej Kalamar Architects.

Jure Kotnik memeber of a jury at international preschool design competition and lectures at the North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk.

Book CITIx60 PARIS was publised where 60 people from creative professions from Paris, including Jure Kotnik, are suggesting best places to go, visit, discover.

Mobile container playground kids »Village de Jeu« opened in Lyon. It will be set on various locations within the city.